– string, required param The UUID of the quote being bound
– object
The parameters required to bind the quote
– boolean
Stipulates that the buyer has read and agreed to the relevant policy documents
– object
How will the policy be paid for?
– string
The payment method being used to bind the policy. Either stripe
or deferred
. Availability of the deferred payment type depends on you agreement with Agile.
– string
Token for the payment, if applicable
"read_and_agreed": true,
"payment": {
"method": "stripe",
"token": "tok_123123123"
"read_and_agreed": true,
"payment": {
"method": "deferred"
200 OK
"id": "3918b399-74b5-4f1b-9f1d-10412679c76a",
"policy_number": "SAMPLE_W02B0003000E",
"status": "active",
"read_and_agreed": true,
"created_at": "2019-05-23T01:32:44.257Z",
"updated_at": "2019-05-23T01:32:44.257Z",
"start_at": "2019-05-23T01:32:44.158Z",
"end_at": "2020-05-23T01:32:44.160Z",
"customer": {
"id": "1fd10c81-73dc-444b-948a-03f53f11aaf6",
"name": "Mary Smith",
"email": "mary@example.com",
"phone": null,
"created_at": "2019-04-30T04:49:49.949Z",
"updated_at": "2019-04-30T04:49:49.949Z"
"quote": {
"id": "751831b7-079f-4b1b-9ac2-0fa5c1b7442s",
"customer_id": "1fd10c81-73dc-444b-948a-03f53f11aaf6",
"premium": 1500,
"premium_sales_tax": 150,
"stamp_duty": 82.5,
"admin_fee": 152.27,
"admin_fee_sales_tax": 15.23,
"total_sales_tax": 165.23,
"grand_total": 1900,
"currency": "AUD",
"sales_tax_label": "GST",
"excess": 1000,
"custom_field": null,
"expires_at": "2019-06-22T23:59:59.999Z",
"created_at": "2019-05-23T01:18:40.981Z",
"updated_at": "2019-05-23T01:32:44.119Z",
"benefits": [
"title": "List of benefits",
"description": "Explanation of each benefit..."
"product": {
"name": "CyberCare",
"pds_url": "http://aperture.pdev/products/cybercare/Agile-CyberCare-PDS.pdf",
"min_insured_value": 250000,
"max_insured_value": 10000000,
"duty_of_disclosure": "# Duty of Disclosure\n## What You must tell Us\nWe will ask You various questions when You apply for cover. When You answer those questions, You must be honest and You have a duty under law to tell Us anything known to You, and which a reasonable person in the circumstances, would include in answer to the question. We will use the answers in deciding whether to insure You, and anyone else to be insured under the Policy, and on what terms. You have this same duty to disclose those matters to Us before You renew, extend, vary or reinstate Your Policy.\n## If You do not tell us\nIf You do not answer Our questions in this way, We may reduce Our liability under contract in respect of a claim or refuse to pay a claim, or cancel the Policy. If You answer Our questions fraudulently, We may refuse to pay a claim and treat the Policy as never having commenced."
"parameters": {
"plan": "premium_1",
"region": "NSW",
"business_type": "Accountant",
"revenue": 135000,
"name_of_insured": "Mary Smith Accounting Pty Ltd",
"name": "Mary Smith ",
"email": "mary@example.com",
"plan_label": "Premium",
"region_label": "New South Wales"
422 Unprocessable Entity
"errors": {
"read_and_agreed": [
"must be accepted"