Parameter | Type | Description |
product | String | The product slug: “vansaircraftau” |
registration_organization | String | The identifier for the registration organisation selected, from the list provided in the product info response |
raaus_liability_confirmation | Boolean | Required if registration_organization is raaus , must be true to signify the insured has read the text shown in the , see notes |
aircraft_model | String | The identifier for the aircraft model selected, from the list provided in the product info response |
hull_required | Boolean | Required, set to true if hull cover is required, otherwise set to false |
hull_value | Integer | Required if hull cover is required, the number in dollars that represents the value of the aircraft |
risk_type | String | The identifier for the risk type selected, from the list provided in the product info response |
pro_rata_contribution | String | Required if hull cover is required, keep or remove , see notes |
hull_deductible | String | Accepted and Required if risk_type is ‘flight_and_ground’. The identifier for the registration organisation selected, from the list provided in the product info response. See notes |
claims | String | Accepted and Required if risk_type is ‘flight_and_ground’. The identifier for the registration organisation selected, from the list provided in the product info response |
pilot_hours | String | The identifier for the registration organisation selected, from the list provided in the product info response |
uses | String | The identifier for the registration organisation selected, from the list provided in the product info response |
liability | String | Required if hull_required is false . The identifier for the liability limit selected, from the list provided in the product info response |
pilot_pa_required | Boolean | Required, does the insured require pilot personal accident cover |
pilot_pa | String | Required if pilot_pa_required is true . The identifier for the pilot PA selected, from the list provided in the product info response |
pilot_name | String | Required to bind when pilot_pa_required is true , The name of the pilot |
premises_cover_required | Boolean | Required, does the insured require premises cover |
premises_cover | String | Required if premises_cover_required is true . The identifier for the premises cover amount selected, from the list provided in the product info response |
registration_number | String | The registration number of the aircraft |
other_parties | Array{ name: string, nature_of_interest: string } | Optional, an array of parties with an interest in the aircraft. Each entry in the array must follow { "name": string, "nature_of_interest": string } |
premises_address1 | String | The street address where the aircraft is located |
premises_address1 | String | Optional, The second line of the street address where the aircraft is located |
premises_locality | String | The city/suburb address where the aircraft is located |
premises_post_code | String | The post code where the aircraft is located |
region | String | The State where the aircraft is located |
premises_country_code | String | The country where the aircraft is located (should be AU!) |
name | String | The name of the person responsible for the policy |
email | String | The email address of the person responsible for the policy |
name_of_insured | String | Optional, The name of the insured party if it differs from name |
If registration_organization
is raaus
, the insured must acknowledge that they have read and agreed with the following text:
Confirm that you understand the coverage afforded by the RAAus members liability insurance policy is for $20,000,000 in total but the maximum that policy will pay in respect of a claim made by a passenger in your aircraft is only $250,000.
The actual amount of each identifier represents varies depending on the hull_value
. The calcalations are as follows:
: 1% of the Hull Value, or $1,000.00 if the hull value is less than $100,000.hull_deductible_1
: 2.5% of the Hull Value, or $2,500.00 if the hull value is less than $100,000.hull_deductible_2
: 5% of the Hull Value, or $5,000.00 if the hull value is less than $100,000.Some help text may be useful to the user filling out the form to explain this field:
If you select “Remove”, it means that you will be obliged to contribute toward the cost of Units repaired or replaced, as outlined in Section 1.14(b) of the PDS. If you select “Keep”, We will pay the full price to repair or replace such items.’,
This will vary depending on the options selected.
"product": "vansaircraftau",
"registration_organization": "raaus",
"raaus_liability_confirmation": true,
"hull_required": true,
"hull_value": 23500,
"hull_deductible": "hull_deductible_0",
"liability": "liability_0",
"risk_type": "flight_and_ground",
"claims": "claims_0",
"pilot_hours": "pilot_hours_0",
"uses": "private",
"pilot_pa_required": true,
"pilot_pa": "pilot_pa_0",
"premises_cover_required": true,
"premises_cover": "premises_cover_0",
"tailwheel_undercarriage": "no",
"retractable_undercarriage": "yes",
"weight_shift": "no",
"two_stroke_engine": "no",
"auto_engine": "yes",
"premises_address1": "75 Fake Street",
"premises_locality": "Melbourne",
"premises_post_code": "3000",
"premises_country_code": "AU",
"region": "VIC",
"pro_rata_contribution": "keep"
"product": "vansaircraftau",
"registration_organization": "casa",
"hull_required": false,
"liability": "liability_2",
"pilot_pa_required": false,
"premises_cover_required": false,
"region": "VIC",
"product": "vansaircraftau",
"region": "VIC",
"registration_organization": "raaus",
"raaus_liability_confirmation": true,
"hull_required": true,
"hull_value": 23500,
"risk_type": "ground_risk_only",
"pilot_pa_required": false,
"premises_cover_required": false,
"pro_rata_contribution": "remove"
"product": "vansaircraftau",
"region": "VIC",
"name": "Mary Smith",
"email": "",
"registration_organization": "raaus",
"raaus_liability_confirmation": true,
"hull_required": true,
"hull_value": 23500,
"hull_deductible": "hull_deductible_0",
"liability": "liability_0",
"risk_type": "flight_and_ground",
"claims": "claims_0",
"pilot_hours": "pilot_hours_0",
"uses": "private",
"pilot_pa_required": true,
"pilot_pa": "pilot_pa_0",
"premises_cover_required": true,
"premises_cover": "premises_cover_0",
"tailwheel_undercarriage": "yes",
"retractable_undercarriage": "yes",
"weight_shift": "yes",
"two_stroke_engine": "yes",
"auto_engine": "yes",
"registration_number": "NJ1969",
"aircraft_model": "rv8a",
"other_parties": [{ "name": "John Smith", "interest": "Co-owner" }],
"pilot_name": "Mary Smith",
"premises_address1": "75 Fake Street",
"premises_locality": "Melbourne",
"premises_post_code": "3000",
"premises_country_code": "AU",
"pro_rata_contribution": "keep"