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Bill Cover

Bill Cover will pay a fixed monthly benefit or the total of your monthly bills (whichever is the lesser) for up to twenty-four months if you are unable to work due to injury or sickness. In the event of a claim, Bill Cover can be used to help pay for your business or general living expenses such as electricity, gas, gym membership, mortgage or rent.

Parameter Explanations

Parameter Type Description
product String The product slug: “billcoverau”
individual_or_couple String Either 'individual' or 'couple'
age Integer The age in years of the main cover holder
profession String The indentifier of the selected profession for the main cover holder
benefit_level String The indentifier of the selected benefit level for the main cover holder
secondary_age Integer The age in years of the main cover holder. Required when individual_or_couple is 'couple'
secondary_profession String The indentifier of the selected profession for the other person being covered. Required when individual_or_couple is 'couple'
secondary_benefit_level String The indentifier of the selected benefit level for the other person being covered. Required when individual_or_couple is 'couple'
secondary_name String The name of the other person being covered. Required when individual_or_couple is 'couple'
region String The state the main cover holder is located in
policy_start_date String Optional, see Products page for more info
name String The name of the person responsible for the policy
email String The email address of the person responsible for the policy
name_of_insured String Optional, The name of the policy holder if different from the contact name

For individuals

Minimum Parameters to get a quote

  "product": "billcoverau",
  "individual_or_couple": "individual",
  "age": 42,
  "profession": "acupuncturist",
  "benefit_level": "benefit_level_c",
  "region": "VIC"

All Parameters

  "product": "billcoverau",
  "individual_or_couple": "individual",
  "age": 42,
  "profession": "acupuncturist",
  "benefit_level": "benefit_level_c",
  "region": "VIC",
  "email": "",
  "name": "Mary Smith",
  "name_of_insured": null

For couples

Minimum Parameters to get a quote

  "product": "billcoverau",
  "individual_or_couple": "couple",
  "age": 42,
  "profession": "acupuncturist",
  "benefit_level": "benefit_level_c",
  "secondary_age": 44,
  "secondary_profession": "product_manager",
  "secondary_benefit_level": "benefit_level_d",
  "region": "VIC"

All Parameters

  "product": "billcoverau",
  "individual_or_couple": "couple",
  "age": 42,
  "profession": "acupuncturist",
  "benefit_level": "benefit_level_c",
  "secondary_age": 44,
  "secondary_profession": "product_manager",
  "secondary_benefit_level": "benefit_level_d",
  "region": "VIC",
  "email": "",
  "name": "Mary Smith",
  "name_of_insured": null,
  "secondary_name": "John Smith"