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Being in business is rewarding and exciting, but it can also be risky and complex. Having the right package of liability covers in place can help businesses deal with the costs of difficult and expensive legal action.

Occupation Industry

The occupation options include the industry on their data attribute. This is used to determine whether certain of the other fields are required or not.

Parameter Explanations

Note, all of the identifier values are prone to change, particularly the occupation identifiers. It is highly recommended that any UI built populates the select options dynamically using the product info

Parameter Type Description
product String The product slug: “casualtyau”
name_of_insured String The name of the main entity being covered
name String The name of the contact person at the insured entity
email String The email address for the contact person at the insured entity
policy_start_date String Optional, see Products page for more info
policy_end_date String Optional, same format as start date. The shortest length for a policy is 6 months, the longest is 18 months. Leave blank to for the default duration of 12 months.
limit String The identifier for the limit amount selected
occupation_percentages object: { occupation_identifier: number } The percentages for each of the occupations the insured business undertakes. For each occupation selected, the identifier is used as a key for the object, with the value being the percentage. The sum of all the numbers must add up to 100.0. For example: {"advertisingmediapublishing_comedian": 70, "advertisingmediapublishing_bookingagent": 30}
occupation_description_override String Optional, by default the description is taken to be a list of the selected occupations. In a lot of cases, this does not adequately describe the activities the insured is involved in. This field allows for a detailed explanation of the occupations undertaken.
turnover_value Integer The turnover of the business being insured, in AUD
years_in_business Integer The number of complete years in business
civil_hazardous_works_activities String The identifier for the selected civil_hazardous_works_activities option. See List of questions for civil_hazardous_works_activities
civil_hazardous_works_activities_info String Required if the yes option for civil_hazardous_works_activities was selected. An explanation of the activities undertaken to assist the underwriter in evaluating the quote.
claims String The identifier for the selected claims option. The data property of the options has the information to determine which “no” option is applicable based on years in business.
claims_info String Required only if “yes” option for claims was selected. Enter information about the claims to assist the underwriter in evaluating the quote.
region_earnings_percentages object: { state_code: number } The percentages for each State the insured business operates in. For each state (region) selected, the lower case 3 letter code is used as a key for the object, with the value being the percentage. The sum of all the numbers must add up to 100.0. For example: {"nsw": 62, "vic": 38}. The permitted keys for the object are nsw, vic, qld, sa, wa, tas, nt, act
stamp_duty_exempt Boolean Only applicable when one of the region_earnings_percentages keys is nsw. Should only be true if the insured is a Capital Gains Tax small business entity. Proof of this status may be required.
contractors_payments_value Integer or null Optional, enter a value representing the amount paid per year to contractors, sub-contractors and labour hire personnel.
contractors_activities String Required if an amount was entered for contractors_payments_value. An explanation of the activities undertaken by the contractors, etc.
contractors_liability String Required if an amount was entered for contractors_payments_value. The identifier for the selected contractors_liability option.
import_any_products String The identifier for the selected import_any_products option.
import_value Integer Required if ‘yes’ was selected for import_any_products. The turnover derived from the import of goods per year in AUD
import_countries Array[String] The country codes (ISO 3166 Alpha 2) as an array of lower case strings, for all the countries that goods are imported from.
export_any_products String  
export_value Integer Required if ‘yes’ was selected for export_any_products. The turnover derived from the export of goods per year in AUD
export_countries Array[String] The country codes (ISO 3166 Alpha 2) as an array of lower case strings, for all the countries that goods are exported to.
contractual_liability_principal_indemnities_waivers String The identifier for the selected contractual_liability_principal_indemnities_waivers option.
product_recall_limit String The identifier for the selected product_recall_limit option.
error_and_ommissions_limit String The identifier for the selected error_and_ommissions_limit option.
single_large_contracts String Required if anything other than “None” was selected for either product_recall_limit or error_and_ommissions_limit, or both. The identifier for the selected single_large_contracts option.
cleaners_loss_of_keys String Required if any of the selected occupations in occupation_percentages is in the “Cleaners” industry. The identifier for the selected cleaners_loss_of_keys option.
venue_over_max_rooms String Required if any of the selected occupations in occupation_percentages is in the “Accomodation” industry. The identifier for the selected venue_over_max_rooms option.
sporting_facilities String Required if any of the selected occupations in occupation_percentages is in the “Accomodation” industry. The identifier for the selected sporting_facilities option.
smoke_detectors String Required if any of the selected occupations in occupation_percentages is in the “Accomodation” industry. The identifier for the selected smoke_detectors option.
occupants_needing_care String Required if any of the selected occupations in occupation_percentages is in the “Accomodation” industry. The identifier for the selected occupants_needing_care option.
licensed_nightclub_backpackers String Required if any of the selected occupations in occupation_percentages is in the “Accomodation” industry. The identifier for the selected licensed_nightclub_backpackers option.
commercial_hotel String Required if any of the selected occupations in occupation_percentages is in the “Accomodation” industry. The identifier for the selected commercial_hotel option.
duty_of_disclosure_confirmation String The identifier for the selected duty_of_disclosure_confirmation option. See List of questions for duty_of_disclosure_confirmation
duty_of_disclosure_confirmation_info String Required if the yes option for duty_of_disclosure_confirmation_info was selected. An explanation of the activities undertaken to assist the underwriter in evaluating the quote.
employees_count Integer The number of people employed by the insured business
addresses Array{ address1: String, address2: String (Optional), locality: String, region: String, post_code: String } An array of addresses where business is conducted by the insured. There must be at least one address entered, and the first address is assumed to be the corporate HQ. The address1 and address2 fields denote the street address (2nd one is optional). locality refers to the city or suburb, region refers to the State (3 letter code, ie “VIC”, “QLD”).

List of questions for civil_hazardous_works_activities

The following must be presented to the insured so they may answer “No to all”, or “Yes to one or more”

Do you perform any work in connection with the following:

  • any dams, canals, viaducts or watercourses;
  • any towers, steeples, chimney, shafts, or blast furnaces;
  • any bridge, overpass, tunnel or highway construction;
  • any rail, railways, railway corridors, or railway stations;
  • any power station (including wind, hydro and solar), overhead powerlines, transmission lines, substation and/or water utility and mains pipelines;
  • any mines sites (above ground or below ground) and/or mine infrastructure;
  • any breakwaters, seawalls, wharves, jetties, ship loading facilities, docking stations or marine vessels or watercraft;
  • any airports, aircraft, aerodrome, airstrip, hangar, runway curtains or runways;
  • any petroleum refinery, petrochemical plants, fuel storage, or handling facilities;
  • any chemical refinery, chemical plants, chemical storage, or handling facilities;
  • any oil refinery, oil plants, oil storage, or handling facilities;
  • any off-shore work platforms.

List of questions for duty_of_disclosure_confirmation

The following must be presented to the insured so they may answer “No to all”, or “Yes to one or more”

Have you or any director/partner/manager of the business ever:

  • Had insurance declined or cancelled?
  • Had an insurer refused or not invite renewal?
  • Had any special conditions imposed on a policy of insurance?
  • Had a special excess imposed on a policy of insurance?
  • Had a claim rejected under a policy of insurance?
  • Been declared bankrupt or placed into receivership or liquidation?
  • Been charged with or convicted of a criminal offence

Parameters required to create a quote

  "limit": "limit_0",
  "turnover_value": 1000000,
  "years_in_business": 12,
  "claims": "no_above_min_years_in_business",
  "duty_of_disclosure_confirmation": "no",
  "civil_hazardous_works_activities": "no",
  "import_any_products": "no",
  "export_any_products": "no",
  "contractual_liability_principal_indemnities_waivers": "no",
  "product_recall_limit": "product_recall_limit_none",
  "error_and_ommissions_limit": "error_and_ommissions_limit_none",
  "stamp_duty_exempt": false,
  "occupation_percentages": {
    "advertisingmediapublishing_comedian": 70,
    "advertisingmediapublishing_bookingagent": 30
  "region_earnings_percentages": {
    "qld": 100
  "addresses": [

Full parameters (including most of the optional and conditionally required fields)

  "product": "casualtyau",
  "name_of_insured": "Mary's Chimney Services Pty Ltd",
  "name": "Mary Smith",
  "email": "",
  "policy_start_date": "2021-10-15",
  "policy_end_date": "2022-10-31",
  "occupation_percentages": {
    "accommodation_boardinghouse": 70,
    "cleaners_chimneycleaningresidential": 30
  "occupation_description_override": "Chimney cleaning, and a boarding house for other chimney sweeps and their apprentices",
  "limit": "limit_2",
  "turnover_value": 1000000,
  "years_in_business": 12,
  "civil_hazardous_works_activities": "yes",
  "civil_hazardous_works_activities_info": "Occasional work at a local hangar",
  "claims": "yes",
  "claims_info": "An apprentice was injured while carrying a ladder",
  "region_earnings_percentages": {
    "nsw": 28,
    "qld": 72
  "stamp_duty_exempt": true,
  "contractors_payments_value": 12000,
  "contractors_activities": "Sub-contracting chimney cleaning duties",
  "contractors_liability": "yes",
  "import_any_products": "yes",
  "import_value": 1200,
  "import_countries": [
  "export_any_products": "yes",
  "export_value": 1400,
  "export_countries": [
  "contractual_liability_principal_indemnities_waivers": "yes",
  "product_recall_limit": "product_recall_limit_3",
  "error_and_ommissions_limit": "error_and_ommissions_limit_3",
  "single_large_contracts": "yes",
  "cleaners_loss_of_keys": "cleaners_loss_of_keys_1",
  "venue_over_max_rooms": "no",
  "sporting_facilities": "no",
  "smoke_detectors": "yes",
  "occupants_needing_care": "no",
  "licensed_nightclub_backpackers": "no",
  "commercial_hotel": "no",
  "duty_of_disclosure_confirmation": "yes",
  "duty_of_disclosure_confirmation_info": "An additional excess was applied after the last claim",
  "employees_count": 13,
  "addresses": [
      "address1": "63 York Street",
      "locality": "Sydney",
      "country_code": "AU",
      "region": "NSW",
      "post_code": "2000"